BUCKY VAN ADVENTURES "I haven't been everywhere yet, but its on my list"
LDV Deliver 9 Van Build
The first step in the Van build is to find a suitable van for the experience your are after. After traveling around Australia we found out what works and what didn't work. These discoveries are all part of the Vanlife journey. We learnt that as you get older that having to stoop all the time and getting dressed while laying down on the bed are little things that a stand up van would eliminate. We also were lucky that our old van only had mechanical issues during our trip that happen while we where camped in cities/towns. So a reliable van was essential as we didn't want to push our luck this time and it had to be not to expensive. The Van that meet all this requirements was the LDV Deliver 9. Which seems to tick all our boxes. At under $45,000 and a 3 year warranty we know the next 2 years lapping Australia can be relatively carefree.
Dream Build
Stop Dreaming
Once we purchase the Van it was time to stop dreaming and start building. You will have to treat the build as work. As I have wasted so much time just thinking when we first bought the Van. Now I get up and do a full 8 hours work on her and I will make modifications on the fly. As when you start building you start to see how to make it better. But don't get too bogged down in perfection as its more important to have a functional Van that will launch you on your journey. You can always go back and re-build if that crooked cupboards is effecting your ADHD. Our first trip in our New Bucky was to Albany where we noticed that the Bed on the floor got quite damp. This motivated me to start will making the floor and getting the Bed done. The following Pages are about this New DIY Van Build Journey