BUCKY VAN ADVENTURES "I haven't been everywhere yet, but its on my list"
Bucky Diary
June 2019 Week 19
Bucky the Van Leaves Toowoomba and picks up a passenger (Sara) for the trip to Sydney.. Her Father turns 90 soon and we need to get back to Perth.
Just out of Brisbane is this cool Scout camp where we explorer the area and reconnect with each other. There are also Bullsharks in the river close by so we are advised not to go swimming.
We explore Ipswich and take many walks along the riverfront.. I still cannot see any sharks.
We then traveled to Brisbane to meet up with my ex-sister in Law and her family. Had a great time playing 'May I' and catching up with extended family. Margaret allowed us to camp on her front lawn and shouted us out for many meals. I was nice to see her enjoying her work and being in such a lovely location. Was amazed at her hippy style decor inside her house that made it homely.
Such a crowd of young children are always around with some of her little ones boarding with her.
But we have to continue and made our way further down south towards Sydney. Stayed at some roadside campsites (Free) and visited Pacific Fair in the Gold Coast. We saw a man who could bird whiste and bring a bird to his hands. And saw some cars made out of cardboard.