BUCKY VAN ADVENTURES "I haven't been everywhere yet, but its on my list"
Bucky Diary
July 2019 Week 22
Spent half the week in Perth with a bad flu. Many of the party goers also succumbed to the dreaded flu.
Bucky the Van leaves Sydney Airport after wondering why his dwellers are taking so long to leave Perth. Sickness is almost over and it is now time to get some more rest inside our mobile home. Bucky makes his way back through the busy streets of Sydney to Gosford to pickup Rusty who is also wondering why the delay. Little fellow had to share the house with a cat. His most feared creature. Bucky knows that Rusty sees Bucky as a comfort zone too.. Its funny that sickness struck while I was not travelling in the Van.??
Stayed a couple of nights with older brother Steven and his wife Karen at their lovely home on the estuary in Wyong, NSW. Had lovely walks with Rusty along the banks of the estuary, played boardgames and ate healthy. Caught up with niece and nephews for brunch.